Source code for minihack.reward_manager

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
from __future__ import annotations

import enum
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, List, Tuple

    from minihack import MiniHack

from nle.nethack import Command, CompassDirection

Y_cmd = CompassDirection.NW

[docs]class EventType(enum.IntEnum): MESSAGE = 0 LOC_ACTION = 1 COORD = 2 LOC = 3
COMESTIBLES = [ "orange", "meatball", "meat ring", "meat stick", "kelp frond", "eucalyptus leaf", "clove of garlic", "sprig of wolfsbane", "carrot", "egg", "banana", "melon", "candy bar", "lump of royal jelly", ]
[docs]class Event(ABC): """An event which can occur in a MiniHack episode. This is the base class of all other events. """
[docs] def __init__( self, reward: float, repeatable: bool, terminal_required: bool, terminal_sufficient: bool, ): """Initialise the Event. Args: reward (float): The reward for the event occuring repeatable (bool): Whether the event can occur repeated (i.e. if the reward can be collected repeatedly terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for the episode to terminate. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event causes the episode to terminate on its own. """ self.reward = reward self.repeatable = repeatable self.terminal_required = terminal_required self.terminal_sufficient = terminal_sufficient self.achieved = False
[docs] @abstractmethod def check(self, env, previous_observation, action, observation) -> float: """Check whether the environment is in the state such that this event has occured. Args: env (MiniHack): The MiniHack environment in question. previous_observation (tuple): The previous state observation. action (int): The action taken. observation (tuple): The current observation. Returns: float: The reward. """ pass
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the event, if there is any state necessary.""" self.achieved = False
def _set_achieved(self) -> float: if not self.repeatable: self.achieved = True return self.reward
def _standing_on_top(env, location): return not env.screen_contains(location)
[docs]class LocActionEvent(Event): """An event which checks whether an action is performed at a specified location. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, loc: str, action: Command, ): """Initialise the Event. Args: loc (str): The name of the location to reach. action (int): The action to perform. reward (float): The reward for the event occuring repeatable (bool): Whether the event can occur repeated (i.e. if the reward can be collected repeatedly terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for the episode to terminate. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event causes the episode to terminate on its own. """ super().__init__(*args) self.loc = loc self.action = action self.status = False
[docs] def check(self, env, previous_observation, action, observation) -> float: del previous_observation, observation if env.actions[action] == self.action and _standing_on_top( env, self.loc ): self.status = True elif env.actions[action] == Y_cmd and self.status: return self._set_achieved() else: self.status = False return 0
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() self.status = False
[docs]class LocEvent(Event): """An event which checks whether a specified location is reached."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, loc: str): super().__init__(*args) """Initialise the Event. Args: loc (str): The name of the location to reach. reward (float): The reward for the event occuring repeatable (bool): Whether the event can occur repeated (i.e. if the reward can be collected repeatedly terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for the episode to terminate. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event causes the episode to terminate on its own. """ self.loc = loc
[docs] def check(self, env, previous_observation, action, observation) -> float: del previous_observation, action, observation if _standing_on_top(env, self.loc): return self._set_achieved() return 0.0
[docs]class CoordEvent(Event): """An event which occurs when reaching certain coordinates."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, coordinates: Tuple[int, int]): """Initialise the Event. Args: coordinates (tuple): The coordinates to reach for the event. reward (float): The reward for the event occuring repeatable (bool): Whether the event can occur repeated (i.e. if the reward can be collected repeatedly terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for the episode to terminate. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event causes the episode to terminate on its own. """ super().__init__(*args) self.coordinates = coordinates
[docs] def check(self, env, previous_observation, action, observation) -> float: coordinates = tuple(observation[env._blstats_index][:2]) if self.coordinates == coordinates: return self._set_achieved() return 0.0
[docs]class MessageEvent(Event): """An event which occurs when any of the `messages` appear."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, messages: List[str]): """Initialise the Event. Args: messages (list): The messages to be seen to trigger the event. reward (float): The reward for the event occuring repeatable (bool): Whether the event can occur repeated (i.e. if the reward can be collected repeatedly terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for the episode to terminate. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event causes the episode to terminate on its own. """ super().__init__(*args) self.messages = messages
[docs] def check(self, env, previous_observation, action, observation) -> float: del previous_observation, action curr_msg = ( observation[env._original_observation_keys.index("message")] .tobytes() .decode("utf-8") ) for msg in self.messages: if msg in curr_msg: return self._set_achieved() return 0.0
[docs]class AbstractRewardManager(ABC): """This is the abstract base class for the ``RewardManager`` that is used for defining custom reward functions. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.terminal_sufficient = None self.terminal_required = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def collect_reward(self) -> float: """Return reward calculated and accumulated in check_episode_end_call, and then reset it. Returns: flaot: The reward. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def check_episode_end_call( self, env, previous_observation, action, observation ) -> bool: """Check if the task has ended, and accumulate any reward from the transition in ``self._reward``. Args: env (MiniHack): The MiniHack environment in question. previous_observation (tuple): The previous state observation. action (int): The action taken. observation (tuple): The current observation. Returns: bool: Boolean whether the episode has ended. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def reset(self) -> None: """Reset all events, to be called when a new episode occurs.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class RewardManager(AbstractRewardManager): """This class is used for managing rewards, events and termination for MiniHack tasks. Some notes on the ordering or calls in the MiniHack/NetHack base class: - ``step(action)`` is called on the environment - Within ``step``, first a copy of the last observation is made, and then the underlying NetHack game is stepped - Then ``_is_episode_end(observation)`` is called to check whether this the episode has ended (and this is overridden if we've gone over our max_steps, or the underlying NetHack game says we're done (i.e. we died) - Then ``_reward_fn(last_observation, observation)`` is called to calculate the reward at this time-step - if ``end_status`` tells us the game is done, we quit the game - then ``step`` returns the observation, calculated reward, done, and some statistics. All this means that we need to check whether an observation is terminal in ``_is_episode_end`` before we're calculating the reward function. The call of ``_is_episode_end`` in ``MiniHack`` will call ``check_episode_end_call`` in this class, which checks for termination and accumulates any reward, which is returned and zeroed in ``collect_reward``. """
[docs] def __init__(self): List[Event] = [] self.custom_reward_functions: List[ Callable[[MiniHack, Any, int, Any], float] ] = [] self._reward = 0.0 # Only used for GroupedRewardManager self.terminal_sufficient = None self.terminal_required = None
[docs] def add_custom_reward_fn( self, reward_fn: Callable[[MiniHack, Any, int, Any], float] ) -> None: """Add a custom reward function which is called every after step to calculate reward. The function should be a callable which takes the environment, previous observation, action and current observation and returns a float reward. Args: reward_fn (Callable[[MiniHack, Any, int, Any], float]): A reward function which takes an environment, previous observation, action, next observation and returns a reward. """ self.custom_reward_functions.append(reward_fn)
[docs] def add_event(self, event: Event): """Add an event to be managed by the reward manager. Args: event (Event): The event to be added. """
def _add_message_event( self, msgs, reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient ): self.add_event( MessageEvent( reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient, messages=msgs, ) ) def _add_loc_action_event( self, loc, action, reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient, ): try: action = Command[action.upper()] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Action {} is not in the action space.".format(action.upper()) ) self.add_event( LocActionEvent( reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient, loc=loc.lower(), action=action, ) )
[docs] def add_eat_event( self, name: str, reward=1, repeatable=False, terminal_required=True, terminal_sufficient=False, ): """Add an event which is triggered when `name` is eaten. Args: name (str): The name of the object being eaten. reward (float): The reward for this event. Defaults to 1. repeatable (bool): Whether this event can be triggered multiple times. Defaults to False. terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for termination. Defaults to True. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event is sufficient for termination. Defaults to False. """ msgs = [ f"This {name} is delicious", "Blecch! Rotten food!", "last bite of your meal", ] if name == "apple": msgs.append("Delicious! Must be a Macintosh!") msgs.append("Core dumped.") if name == "pear": msgs.append("Core dumped.") self._add_message_event( msgs, reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient )
[docs] def add_wield_event( self, name: str, reward=1, repeatable=False, terminal_required=True, terminal_sufficient=False, ): """Add event which is triggered when a specific weapon is wielded. Args: name (str): The name of the weapon to be wielded. reward (float): The reward for this event. Defaults to 1. repeatable (bool): Whether this event can be triggered multiple times. Defaults to False. terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for termination. Defaults to True. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event is sufficient for termination. Defaults to False. """ msgs = [ f"{name} wields itself to your hand!", f"{name} (weapon in hand)", ] self._add_message_event( msgs, reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient )
[docs] def add_wear_event( self, name: str, reward=1, repeatable=False, terminal_required=True, terminal_sufficient=False, ): """Add event which is triggered when a specific armor is worn. Args: name (str): The name of the armor to be worn. reward (float): The reward for this event. Defaults to 1. repeatable (bool): Whether this event can be triggered multiple times. Defaults to False. terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for termination. Defaults to True. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event is sufficient for termination. Defaults to False. """ msgs = [f"You are now wearing a {name}"] self._add_message_event( msgs, reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient )
[docs] def add_amulet_event( self, reward=1, repeatable=False, terminal_required=True, terminal_sufficient=False, ): """Add event which is triggered when an amulet is worn. Args: reward (float): The reward for this event. Defaults to 1. repeatable (bool): Whether this event can be triggered multiple times. Defaults to False. terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for termination. Defaults to True. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event is sufficient for termination. Defaults to False. """ self._add_message_event( ["amulet (being worn)."], reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient, )
[docs] def add_kill_event( self, name: str, reward=1, repeatable=False, terminal_required=True, terminal_sufficient=False, ): """Add event which is triggered when a specified monster is killed. Args: name (str): The name of the monster to be killed. reward (float): The reward for this event. Defaults to 1. repeatable (bool): Whether this event can be triggered multiple times. Defaults to False. terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for termination. Defaults to True. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event is sufficient for termination. Defaults to False. """ self._add_message_event( [f"You kill the {name}"], reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient, )
[docs] def add_message_event( self, msgs: List[str], reward=1, repeatable=False, terminal_required=True, terminal_sufficient=False, ): """Add event which is triggered when any of the given messages are seen. Args: msgs (List[str]): The name of the monster to be killed. reward (float): The reward for this event. Defaults to 1. repeatable (bool): Whether this event can be triggered multiple times. Defaults to False. terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for termination. Defaults to True. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event is sufficient for termination. Defaults to False. """ self._add_message_event( msgs, reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient )
[docs] def add_positional_event( self, place_name: str, action_name: str, reward=1, repeatable=False, terminal_required=True, terminal_sufficient=False, ): """Add event which is triggered on taking a given action at a given place. Args: place_name (str): The name of the place to trigger the event. action_name (int): The name of the action to trigger the event. reward (float): The reward for this event. Defaults to 1. repeatable (bool): Whether this event can be triggered multiple times. Defaults to False. terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for termination. Defaults to True. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event is sufficient for termination. Defaults to False. """ self._add_loc_action_event( place_name, action_name, reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient, )
[docs] def add_coordinate_event( self, coordinates: Tuple[int, int], reward=1, repeatable=False, terminal_required=True, terminal_sufficient=False, ): """Add event which is triggered on when reaching the specified coordinates. Args: coordinates (Tuple[int, int]): The coordinates to be reached (tuple of ints). reward (float): The reward for this event. Defaults to 1. repeatable (bool): Whether this event can be triggered multiple times. Defaults to False. terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for termination. Defaults to True. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event is sufficient for termination. Defaults to False. """ self.add_event( CoordEvent( reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient, coordinates=coordinates, ) )
[docs] def add_location_event( self, location: str, reward=1, repeatable=False, terminal_required=True, terminal_sufficient=False, ): """Add event which is triggered on reaching a specified location. Args: name (str): The name of the location to be reached. reward (float): The reward for this event. Defaults to 1. repeatable (bool): Whether this event can be triggered multiple times. Defaults to False. terminal_required (bool): Whether this event is required for termination. Defaults to True. terminal_sufficient (bool): Whether this event is sufficient for termination. Defaults to False. """ self.add_event( LocEvent( reward, repeatable, terminal_required, terminal_sufficient, loc=location, ) )
def _set_achieved(self, event: Event) -> float: if not event.repeatable: event.achieved = True return event.reward def _standing_on_top(self, env, name): """Returns whether the agents is standing on top of the given object. The object name (e.g. altar, sink, fountain) must exist on the map. Args: env (MiniHack): The environment object. name (str): The name of the object. Returns: bool: True if the object name is not in the screen descriptions with agent info taking the space of the corresponding tile rather than the object). """ return not env.screen_contains(name)
[docs] def check_episode_end_call( self, env, previous_observation, action, observation ) -> bool: reward = 0.0 for event in if event.achieved: continue reward += event.check( env, previous_observation, action, observation ) for custom_reward_function in self.custom_reward_functions: reward += custom_reward_function( env, previous_observation, action, observation ) self._reward += reward return self._check_complete()
def _check_complete(self) -> bool: """Checks whether the episode is complete. Requires any event which is sufficient to be achieved, OR all required events to be achieved.""" result = True for event in # This event is enough, we're done if event.achieved and event.terminal_sufficient: return True # We need this event and we haven't done it, we're not done if not event.achieved and event.terminal_required: result = False # We've achieved all terminal_required events, we're done return result
[docs] def collect_reward(self) -> float: result = self._reward self._reward = 0.0 return result
[docs] def reset(self): self._reward = 0.0 for event in event.reset()
[docs]class SequentialRewardManager(RewardManager): """A reward manager that ignores ``terminal_required`` and ``terminal_sufficient``, and just require every event is completed in the order it is added to the reward manager. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.current_event_idx = 0 super().__init__()
[docs] def check_episode_end_call( self, env, previous_observation, action, observation ): event =[self.current_event_idx] reward = event.check(env, previous_observation, action, observation) if event.achieved: self.current_event_idx += 1 self._reward += reward return self._check_complete()
def _check_complete(self) -> bool: return self.current_event_idx == len(
[docs]class GroupedRewardManager(AbstractRewardManager): """Operates as a collection of reward managers. The rewards from each reward manager are summed, and termination can be specified by ``terminal_sufficient`` and ``terminal_required`` on each reward manager. Given this can be nested arbitrarily deeply (as each reward manager could itself be a GroupedRewardManager), this enables complex specification of groups of rewards. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.reward_managers: List[AbstractRewardManager] = []
[docs] def check_episode_end_call( self, env, previous_observation, action, observation ) -> bool: for reward_manager in self.reward_managers: result = reward_manager.check_episode_end_call( env, previous_observation, action, observation ) # This reward manager has completed and it's sufficient so we're # done if reward_manager.terminal_sufficient and result: return True # This reward manager is required and hasn't completed, so we're # not done if reward_manager.terminal_required and not result: return False # If we've got here we've completed all required reward managers, so # we're done return True
[docs] def add_reward_manager( self, reward_manager: AbstractRewardManager, terminal_required: bool, terminal_sufficient: bool, ) -> None: """Add a new reward manager, with ``terminal_sufficient`` and ``terminal_required`` acting as for individual events. Args: reward_manager (RewardManager): The reward manager to be added. terminal_required (bool): Whether this reward manager terminating is required for the episode to terminate. terminal_sufficient: Whether this reward manager terminating is sufficient for the episode to terminate. """ reward_manager.terminal_required = terminal_required reward_manager.terminal_sufficient = terminal_sufficient self.reward_managers.append(reward_manager)
[docs] def collect_reward(self): reward = 0.0 for reward_manager in self.reward_managers: reward += reward_manager.collect_reward() return reward
[docs] def reset(self): self._reward = 0.0 for reward_manager in self.reward_managers: reward_manager.reset()